Incredible notices a bomb on Buddy's cape. He begins to fly out the window on his rocket boots to notify the police of Bomb Voyage's capture, but Mr. Buddy has no superpowers, but wants to be a superhero.

Incredible captures Bomb Voyage in the bank, but then his fanboy, Buddy Pine, shows up. Incredible, Frozone, and Elastigirl set out across the city's rooftops to stop him. Violet is also playable for two stages, instead of one.īomb Voyage attempts a bank heist in Metroville, but superheroes Mr. However, the character of Frozone is playable, and, in addition, Elastigirl as the form of a boat is playable. On the GBA version, the Incredi-Ball is absent. Incredi-Ball: Dash and Violet in a force field.The game features 18 levels, and has four playable characters.I haven’t read it in full myself yet, but it seems very easy to read and her introductory notes are excellent. Emily Wilson has also recently published a verse translation of the Odyssey. Bernard Knox’s introductory essays for Fagles’ translations are works of art in themselves. For verse translations, I’d recommend Robert Fagles for both. Hammond in particular has excellent introductory notes and critical summaries, that are very useful for a first time reader. Both are very accurate to the Greek and very readable. Rieu’s penguin classics edition of the Odyssey.

For prose, I’d recommend Martin Hammond’s penguin classics edition of the Iliad, and E. Both poems are available in prose and verse translations. Must reads for anyone with an interest in Greek mythology. The earliest surviving written sources from ancient Greece. They had a profound influence on all later literature. They were first recited orally around 750/700 BC, and were later written down.

The Iliad tells the story of Achilles’ quarrel with Agamemnon and it’s consequences, while the Odyssey tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus and his ten year journey home after the war. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey - epic poems recounting episodes from the Trojan War.